BIDC acquired a license for juristic person for handling clearance. It has provided professional customs clearance services. It is a sole justice person for handling clearance in the FTZ.
To provide logistics and customs clearance services in the FTZ, BIDC provides customs clearance consulting and logistics consulting services through operation of custom-tailored clearance team separately led by a representative licensed customs broker thereby supplying total solutions throughout the trading business.
BIDC clearance team is a justice person for handling clearance in the FTZ, which provides professional services including logistics consulting and use (consumption) report, exportation report in accordance with the characteristics of the FTZ in addition to existing customs clearance services.
In addition, BIDC developed and implemented the WMS, and the WMS has been utilized to enable inventory management by EA, which is much more detailed than existing inventory management system by GT unit thereby providing professional services to customers through accurate inventory management by reflecting the details reported to the customs.
Export and import clearance
Product classification
Draw-back (including individual draw-back)
Quarantine agency service
Trading and logistics consulting etc.